- PHILIPP, NATALIA; GRATTON, ENRICO; ESTRADA, LAURA. “Measuring protein-membrane interaction through radial fluorescence correlation in 2 dimensions” Methods and Applications in Fluorescence; Año: 2023
- KETTMAYER, CONSTANZA; GRATTON, ENRICO; ESTRADA, LAURA. “Comparison of MSD analysis from single particle tracking with MSD from images” Methods and Applications in Fluorescence; Año: 2023
- Laura Estrada “Electromagnetismo sin (demasiadas) vueltas”. Editorial EUDEBA, 134 páginas, ISBN 9789502332765. Edición 2022.
CORREA TEDESCO, FRANCISCO G; AGUILAR, PABLO SEBASTIAN; ESTRADA, LAURA“Correlation analyses reveal differential diffusion behavior of eisosomal proteins between mother and daughter cells”. Methods and Applications in Fluorescence; Año: 2022
NATALIA PHILIPP; ANGRIMAN SOFIA; BURNE SOFIA; CARAL PAULA; GOMEZ FLORENCIANO IGNACIO; RAPAGNANI NICOLAS; GABRIEL MANUELA; ESTRADA LAURA “Physico-chemical elucidation of the mechanism involved in optical lithography: Micro-fabrication of 2D and 3D platforms” Journal of Applied Physics 2022
- Moretti, G. Q.; Cortes, E.; Maier, S. A.; Bragas, A. V.; Grinblat, G., “Engineering gallium phosphide nanostructures for efficient nonlinear photonics and enhanced spectroscopies”. Nanophotonics, vol. 10, no. 17, 2021, pp. 4261-4271.
- Sallaberry, I; Luszczak, A; Philipp, N; Navarro, G S Costa Navarro; Gabriel, M V; Gratton, Enrico; Gamarnik, A V; Estrada, Laura C. In vivo pair correlation microscopy reveals dengue virus capsid protein nucleocytoplasmic bidirectional movement in mammalian infected cells. Scientific Reports 11(1):24415, 2021
- M. V. Gabriel, I. Sallaberry, G. Costa Navarro, E. Gratton, A. V. Gamarnik and L. Estrada. Chapter 8: Dengue virus capsid-protein dynamics in live infected cells studied by pair correlation analysis. Book title: Dengue virus, Methods in Molecular Biology, Springer-Nature, Ronaldo Mohana-Borges (eds), vol 2409. Humana, New York, NY. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-0716-1879-0_8.
- Martin Poblet, Rodrigo Berté, Hilario D. Boggiano, Yi Li, Emiliano Cortés, Gustavo Grinblat, Stefan A. Maier, and Andrea V. Bragas. “Acoustic Coupling between Plasmonic Nanoantennas: Detection and Directionality of Surface Acoustic Waves” ACS Photonics 2021, 8, 10, 2846–2852.
- O. Marin, G. Grinblat, M. Tirado, D. Comedi, Nonmonotonic excitation power dependence of the UV photoluminescence rate from large ZnO nanoparticle assemblies, Nano-Structures & Nano-Objects 26, 100734 (2021).
- G. Grinblat, Nonlinear dielectric nanoantennas and metasurfaces: Frequency conversion and wavefront control, ACS Photonics 8, 3406–3432 (2021).
- J. M Bujjamer, M. Illescas, M C. Marchi, H. E Grecco, B. C Barja A first approach to the use of upconversion nanoparticles to measure fluorescent tracers in water: a proof of concept Meth and Apps in Fluorescence 9, 4 (2021).
- J. Huebinger, H. E. Grecco, M. E. Masip, J. Christmann J, G.R. Fuhr, PIH Bastiaens PIH Ultrarapid cryo- arrest of living cells on a microscope enables multiscale imaging of out-of-equilibrium molecular patterns. Science Advances 7, 50 (2021),
- A. J. Fernández-Alvarez, M. G. Thomas, M. L Pascual, M. Habif, J. Pimentel, A. A. Corbat, J. P. Pessoa, P. E La Spina, L. Boscaglia, A. Plessis, M. Carmo-Fonseca, H. E Grecco, M. Casado, G. L Boccaccio Smaug, membrane-less organelles respond to AMPK and mTOR and affect mitochondrial function J. Cell Science 135, 1 (2021).
- S. M. Arancibia, H. E. Grecco and L. G. Morelli Effective description of bistability and irreversibility in apoptosis Phys. Rev. E 104, 6 (2021).
- N. L. Rukavina Mikusic, M. G. Silva, L. R. Mazzitelli, R. A. S. Santos, K. A. Gómez, H. E. Grecco, and M. M. Gironacci Interaction Between the Angiotensin-(1–7) Mas Receptor and the Dopamine D2 Receptor: Implications in Inflammation Hypertension 77, 1659–1669 (2021).
- Martín Habif, Agustín A. Corbat, Mauro Silberberg, and Hernán E. Grecco CASPAM: A Triple-Modality Biosensor for Multiplexed Imaging of Caspase Network Activity ACS Sensors 6, 7, 2642-2653 (2021)
- Gabriel, M., Navarro, G.S.C., de Borba, L, Gamarnik A, and L. Estrada. Dengue Virus Capsid Protein Dynamics Reveals Spatially Heterogeneous Motion in Live-Infected-Cells. Scientific Reports 10, 8751. doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-65625-6, 2020
- H. Boggiano, R. Berté, A. F. Scarpettini, E. Cortés, S.A. Maier and A. Bragas “Determination of Nanoscale Mechanical Properties of Polymers via Plasmonic Nanoantennas”. ACS Photonics 2020 7 (6), 1403-1409.
- Martin Poblet, Yi Li, Emiliano Cortés, Stefan A. Maier, Gustavo Grinblat, A. Bragas. “Direct detection of optical forces of magnetic nature in dielectric nanoantennas”. Nano Letters, 2020, 20(10), pp. 7627–7634.
- K. Leng, L. Wang, Y. Shao, I. Abdelwahab, G. Grinblat, I. Verzhbitskiy, R. Li, Y. Cai, X. Chi, W. Fu, P. Song, A. Rusydi, G. Eda, S. A. Maier, K. P. Loh, Electron Tunneling at the Molecularly Thin 2D Perovskite and Graphene Van der Waals Interface, Nature Communications 11, 5483 (2020).
- B. Tilmann, G. Grinblat, R. Berté, M. Özcan, B. Nickel, E. Cortés, S. A. Maier, Y. Li, Nanostructured Amorphous Gallium Phosphide on Silica for Nonlinear and Ultrafast Photonics, Nanoscale Horizons 5,1500-1508 (2020).
- G. Grinblat, H. Zhang, M. P. Nielsen, L. Krivitsky, R. Berté, Y. Li, B. Tilmann, E. Cortés, R. F. Oulton, A. I. Kuznetsov, S. A. Maier, Efficient Ultrafast All-Optical Modulation in a Nonlinear Crystalline Gallium Phosphide Nanodisk at the Anapole Excitation, Science Advances 6, abb3123 (2020).
- R Cabrera, M Gabriel, L. Estrada, and R Etchenique, Direct Measurement of Two-photon action cross section., Anal Chem May 7, 91(9): 5968-5972, 2019.
- Gabriel M, Anzalone A, Gratton E, L. Estrada, A tracking-based nanoimaging method for fast detection of surfaces’ inhomogeneities using gold nanoparticles, Microsc Res Tech. Jul 18. doi: 10.1002/jemt.23350, 2019.
- V. Remesh, G. Grinblat, Y. Li, S. A. Maier, N. Van Hulst, Coherent Multiphoton Control of Gallium Phosphide Nanodisk Resonances, ACS Photonics 6, 2487-2491 (2019).
- G. Grinblat, I. Abdelwahab, M. P. Nielsen, P. Dichtl, K. Leng, R. F. Oulton, K. P. Loh, S. A. Maier, Ultrafast All-Optical Modulation in 2D Hybrid Perovskites, ACS Nano 13, 9504-9510 (2019).
- I. Abdelwahab, P. Dichtl, G. Grinblat, K. Leng, X. Chi, I.-H. Park, M. P. Nielsen, R. F. Oulton, K. P. Loh, S. A. Maier, Giant and Tunable Optical Nonlinearity in Single-Crystalline 2D Perovskites due to Excitonic and Plasma Effects, Advanced Materials 31, 1902685 (2019).
- G. Grinblat, M. P. Nielsen, P. Dichtl, Y. Li, R. F. Oulton, S. A. Maier, Ultrafast sub-30 fs all-optical switching based on Gallium Phosphide, Science Advances 5, eaaw3262 (2019).
- F. Della Picca, M. V. Gutiérrez, A.V. Bragas and A. F. Scarpettini, “Monitoring the photothermal reshaping of individual plasmonic nanorods with coherent mechanical oscillations”,Journal of Physical Chemistry C 122: 51, pp 29598-29606, 2018.
- Rodrigo Berte, Fabricio Della Picca, Martín Poblet, Yi Li, Emiliano Cortés, Richard V. Craster, Stefan A. Maier, and Andrea V. Bragas. “Acoustic far-field hypersonic surface wave detection with single plasmonic nanoantennas”. Physical Review Letters 121:25, 253902, 2018.
- Agustín A. Corbat, Klaus C. Schuermann, Piotr Liguzinski, Yvonne Radon, Philippe I. H. Bastiaens, Peter J. Verveer and Hernán E.Grecco, ”Co-imaging extrinsic, intrinsic and effector caspase activity by fluorescence anisotropy microscopy”, Redox Biology, Vol. 19C, pp. 210-217, 2018 (link).
- Cecilia Zaza, Manuela Gabriel and L. Estrada,”Microscopía 3D por barrido orbital y modulación radial”, Anales AFA, Vol. 29 Núm. 1, 2018.
- Manuela Gabriel, Jose Moya, Luciana Gallo, Fernando Marengo and Laura Estrada, Single particle tracking of internalized metallic nanoparticles reveals heterogeneous directed motion after clathrin dependent endocytosis in mouse chromaffin cells, Methods and Applications in Fluorescence , 2017 Dec 19;6(1):014003.
- Mauro Silberberg and Hernán E. Grecco, ”pawFLIM: reducing bias and uncertainty to enable lower photon count in FLIM experiments.”, Methods and applications in fluorescence 5(2) , 2017 (link).
- Catalina Von Bilderling, Martín Caldarola, Martín E. Masip, Andrea V. Bragas and Lia Pietrasanta, “Monitoring in real-time focal adhesion protein dynamics in response to a discrete mechanical stimulus”, Review of Scientific Instruments, vol. 88 013703, 2017
- Fabricio Della Picca, Rodrigo Berte, Mohsen Rahmani, Pablo Albella, Juan M. Bujjamer, Martín Poblet, Emiliano Cortés, Stefan A. Maier, and Andrea V. Bragas, “Tailored Hypersound Generation in Single Plasmonic Nanoantennas”, Nano Letters, Volume 16, issue 2, pp 1428–1434, 2016. (link)
- Jesica V. Pellegrotti, Emiliano Cortés, Martin D. Bordenave, Martin Caldarola, Mark P.Kreuzer, Alfredo D. Sanchez, Ignacio Ojea, Andrea V. Bragas, Fernando D. Stefani. “Plasmonic photothermal fluorescence modulation for homogenous biosensing”. ACS Sens., Article ASAP, DOI: 10.1021/acssensors.6b00512. Publication Date (Web): November 7, 2016. (link)
- Maia Brunstein, Andrea Cattoni, Laura Estrada, and Alejandro M. Yacomotti, “Improving image contrast in fluorescence microscopy with nanostructured substrates,” Opt. Express 23, 29772-29778 (2015) (link)
- Stegemann, L., Schuermann, K. C., Strassert, C. A., and Grecco, H. E. “Photofunctional Surfaces for Quantitative Fluorescence Microscopy: Monitoring the Effects of Photogenerated Reactive Oxygen Species at Single Cell Level with Spatiotemporal Resolution” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 7:5944–5949, (2015). (link)
- Martín Caldarola, Pablo Albella, Emiliano Cortés, Mohsen Rahmani, Tyler Roschuk, Gustavo Grinblat, Rupert F. Oulton, Andrea V. Bragas and Stefan A. Maier. “Non-plasmonic nanoantennas for surface enhanced spectroscopies with ultra-low heat conversion”. Nature Communications 6, 7915, 2015. (link)
- Andrea Anzalone, Manuela Gabriel, Laura C. Estrada, and Enrico Gratton. “Spectral Properties of Single Gold Nanoparticles in Close Proximity to Biological Fluorophores Excited by 2-Photon Excitation”. PLoS ONE 10(4): e0124975 (2015). (link)
- Alberto Scarpettini and Andrea V. Bragas. “Harmonic demodulation and minimum enhancement factors in field enhanced near-field optical microscopy”. Journal of Microscopy, Vol. 257, Issue 1 2015, pp. 54–64. (link)
- Gustavo Grinblat, Mohsen Rahmani, Emiliano Cortés, Martín Caldarola, David Comedi, Stefan A. Maier, and Andrea V. Bragas. “High-Efficiency Second Harmonic Generation from a Single Hybrid ZnO Nanowire/Au Plasmonic Nano-Oligomer
Nano Letters Article ASAP (link) - María Gabriela Capeluto, Gustavo Grinblat, Mónica Tirado, David Mario Comedi and Andrea Verónica Bragas. “Nonlinear excitation of polariton cavity modes in ZnO single nanocombs”. Optics Express, Vol. 22 Issue 5, pp.5341-5349, 2014.
- Joel D. Cox, Mahi R. Singh, Catalina von Bildering, and Andrea V. Bragas, “A nonlinear switching mechanism in quantum dot and metallic nanoparticle hybrid systems”. Advanced Optical Materials 1 (6), 460-467, 2013.
- Martín D Bordenave, Alberto F Scarpettini, María Virginia Roldán, Nora Pellegri and Andrea V. Bragas, “Plasmon-induced photochemical synthesis of silver triangular prisms and pentagonal bipyramids by illumination with light emitting diodes” Mat. Chem. Phys. 139 (1), pp 100-106, 2013.
- S. Coppola, F. Cardarelli, D. Pozzi, L. Estrada, M. A Digman, E. Gratton, A. Bifone, C. Marianecci, and G. Caracciolo. Ther Deliv; 4(2): 191-202 (2013).
- Caldarola, M., Bettachini, V. A., Rieznik, A. A., Konig, P. G., Masip, M. E., Grosz, D. F. et al. (2012). High-speed tunable photonic crystal fiber-based femtosecond soliton source without dispersion pre-compensation. Papers in Physics, 4, 040001.
- Coppola, S., Estrada, L. C., Digman, M. A., Pozzi, D., Cardarelli, F., Gratton, E. et al. (2012). Intracellular trafficking of cationic liposome-DNA complexes in living cells. Soft Matter, 8, 7919-7927.
- Estrada, L. C. & Gratton, E. (2012). Spectroscopic Properties of Gold Nanoparticles at the Single-Particle Level in Biological Environments. ChemPhysChem, 13(4), 1087-1092.
- Estrada, L. C., Roberti, M. J., Simoncelli, S., Levi, V., Aramendía, P. F. & Martínez, O. E. (2012). Detection of Low Quantum Yield Fluorophores and Improved Imaging Times Using Metallic Nanoparticles. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 116(7), 2306-2313.
- Grinblat, G., Capeluto, M. G., Tirado, M., Bragas, A. V. & Comedi, D. (2012). Hierarchical ZnO nanostructures: Growth mechanisms and surface correlated photoluminescence. Applied Physics Letters, 100(23), 233116.
- Grinblat, G., Capeluto, M. G., Tirado, M., Comedi, D. & Bragas, A. V (2012). Two-Photon Photoluminescence from Hierarchical ZnO Nanostructures. En Lockwood, D. & Mascher, P. (editores), ECS Transactions, páginas 67-72. ECS.
- Chen, B., Estrada, L. C., Hellriegel, C. & Gratton, E. (2011). Nanometer-scale optical imaging of collagen fibers using gold nanoparticles. Biomed. Opt. Express, 2(3), 511-519.
- Crossa Archiopoli, U., Mingolo, N. & Martínez, O. E. (2011). Two-dimensional mapping of micro-hardness increase on surface treated steel determined by photothermal deflection microscopy. Surface and Coatings Technology, 205(8-9), 3087 – 3092.
- Estrada, L. C. & Gratton, E. (2011). 3D Nanometer Images of Biological Fibers by Directed Motion of Gold Nanoparticles. Nano Letters, 11(11), 4656-4660.
- Jais, P. M., Murray, D. B., Merlin, R. D. & Bragas, A. V. (2011). Metal Nanoparticle Ensembles: Tunable Laser Pulses Distinguish Monomer from Dimer Vibrations. Nano Letters, 11(9), 3685–3689.
- Jais, P. M., von Bilderling, C. & Bragas, A. V. (2011). Plasmon-enhanced second harmonic generation in semiconductor quantum dots close to metal nanoparticles. Papers in Physics, 3.
- F. H. Labeed, J. Lu, H. J. Mulhall, S. A. Marchenko, K. F. Hoettges, L. Estrada, A. P. Lee, M. P. Hughes, L. Flanagan., PLoS ONE, 6(9):e25458 (2011).
- M. A. Kotlarchyk, S. G. Shreim, M. B. Alvarez-Elizondo, L. Estrada, R. Singh, L. Valdevit, E. Kniazeva, E. Gratton, A. J. Putnam, E. L. Botvinick., Plos ONE, 6(5):e20201 (2011).
- Perassi, E. M., Scarpettini, A., Masip, M. E., Bragas, A. V. & Coronado, E. A. (2011). Understanding the Behavior of New Plasmonic Probes with Sub-Nanometric Resolution in Field Enhanced Scanning Optical Microscopy. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 115(21), 10455–10461.
- Sánchez-Sobrado, O., Yacomotti, A. M., Calvo, M. E., Martínez, O. E., Ocaña, M., Núñez, N. et al. (2011). Angular emission properties of a layer of rare-earth based nanophosphors embedded in one-dimensional photonic crystal coatings. Applied Physics Letters, 99(5), 051111.
- Crossa Archiopoli, U., Mingolo, N. & Martínez, O. E. (2010). Two-dimensional imaging of thermal diffusivity in metals by scanning photodeflection detection. Journal of Applied Physics, 107(2), 023520.
- Estrada, L. C., Martínez, O. E., Brunstein, M., Bouchoule, S., Le-Gratiet, L., Talneau, A. et al. (2010). Small volume excitation and enhancement of dye fluorescence on a 2D photonic crystal surface. Optics Express, 18(4), 3693-3699.
- Grecco, H. E. & Martínez, O. E. (2010). Experimental determination of distance and orientation of metallic nanodimers by polarization dependent plasmon coupling. Papers in Physics, 2.
- Kunik, D., Aramendía, P. F. & Martínez, O. E. (2010). Single Photon Fluorescent Microlithography for Live-Cell Imaging. Microscopy Research and Technique, 73(1), 20-26.
- Rieznik, A. A., Bettachini, V. A., König, P. G., Grosz, D. F., Masip, M. E., Caldarola, M. et al (2010). PCF-Based Tunable Source of Femtosecond Pulses in the Visible Region. En Nonlinear Photonics, páginas NTuC34. Optical Society of America.
- Scarpettini, A. & Bragas, A. V. (2010). Coverage and aggregation of gold nanoparticles on silanized glasses. Langmuir, 26(20), 15948-15953.
- Yacomotti, A. M., Estrada, L. C., Martínez, O. E., Brunstein, M., Le-Gratiet, L., Bouchoule, S. et al (2010). Fluorescence Microscopy on a 2-D Photonic Crystal Transparent in the Visible. En Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, páginas CTuN6. Optical Society of America.
- Domené, E. A., Balzarotti, F., Bragas, A. V. & Martínez, O. E. (2009). Photothermal measurement of absorption and scattering losses in thin films excited by surface plasmons. Optics Letters, 34(24), 3797-3799.
- Kunik, D., Pietrasanta, L. I. & Martínez, O. E. (2009). Surface Percolation and Growth. An alternative scheme for breaking the diffraction limit in optical patterning. Papers in Physics, 1, 010008.
- Martínez, O. E. (2009). Ondas: es física (1 ed). Eudeba.
- Masip, M. E., Rieznik, A. A., König, P. G., Grosz, D. F., Bragas, A. V. & Martínez, O. E. (2009). Femtosecond soliton source with fast and broad spectral tunability. Optics Letters, 34(6), 842-844.
- Scarpettini, A., Pellegri, N. & Bragas, A. V. (2009). Optical imaging with subnanometric vertical resolution using nanoparticle-based plasmonic probes. Optics Communications, 282(5), 1032-1035.
- von Bilderling, C., Tagliazucchi, M., Calvo, E. J. & Bragas, A. V. (2009). Molecular orientation in self-assembled multilayers measured by Second Harmonic generation using femtosecond pulses. Optics Express, 17(13), 10642-10647.